A plumber fixed the boiler of a 91-year-old terminally ill woman and billed her $0

Right now, a plumber is going viral for his admirable goal of providing free plumbing repairs to the elderly and vulnerable.

Everyone in a community may benefit from a little assistance from friends and neighbors, but we all know that the elderly and those with disabilities are the ones who need it the most.
These people rarely ask for help, even when they need it, out of concern that they will be seen as a burden.
James, a native of Liverpool, is adamant that the client will receive “free plumbing for life.”


As a human race, we must watch out for one another.
Despite being well-known on the internet for his charitable deed, James claims that his acts are “a community effort” and won’t accept full credit.

James explains that it simply makes him feel good on the inside. Others would question what the plumber gains from all these unselfish actions.
It gives me a sense of humanity, humility, and inner elation. My goal is to make this service available nationwide. He declared, “I will never give up the fight.”


James wants to provide more services outside of Burnley, and the publicity generated by the viral receipt might be quite beneficial.
Other plumbers are willing to assist me. Getting Depher national in every city and village is what I aspire to do,” James stated.

It was quite enjoyable to read your account of James Anderson, the kind plumber who fixed an old woman’s boiler for free.

I’m 63, a semi-retired plumber, and I either gave a big discount or didn’t charge if the job took ten minutes or less.

My employer never gave me any trouble, and he knew how much our clients valued it because he had a sick parent. Well done, James; you are leading by example for the rest of us plumbers.

Even though our work is very challenging and occasionally dangerous, the elderly genuinely value the services we provide. — Bruce Drury

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