He ate 700 eggs in one month: Here’s what happened to his body

It seems like stringent dietary guidelines and fad diets are highly popular right now.

When most people make the decision to significantly change their eating habits, they have a specific objective in mind. They may be doing it to gain or lose weight, to live a better lifestyle, or simply because their present diet does not accord with their principles.


It’s safe to assume that the majority of us have previously chosen to exclude certain foods from our diets. Few of us have ever taken on a challenge quite like that of a man named Dr. Nick Norwitz, I believe.

Dr. Norwitz is a researcher and lecturer whose website states that his goal is to “Make Metabolic Health Mainstream.” He recently became well-known online thanks to his YouTube channel, where he chronicled his experience after deciding to eat 700 eggs in a month to test how his body would react.


Yes, exactly. Seven hundred eggs! That’s equivalent to two cartons of eggs per day for 30 days, in case you were wondering. Or one egg every hour, as the doctor says. I’m sure we can agree that it’s a challenge not to be taken lightly.

Dr. Norwitz had to eat an astounding 24 eggs a day to meet the necessary levels. Why did he choose to follow what most of us would consider to be a difficult and drastic diet? He aimed to demonstrate his theory that consuming so many eggs high in cholesterol would not have a substantial effect on his LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels.


You have probably heard about cholesterol, which is nearly always thought to be harmful to the heart when it is continuously high.

We were taught as children that eating meals high in cholesterol would put a person on a path that would lead to major problems later in life and that cholesterol was unquestionably unhealthy.


Every day, 24 eggs

Naturally, as times change, so does the consensus among health professionals. Some people today contend that cholesterol isn’t as harmful as was once claimed. I won’t sit here and tell you that eating 24 eggs a day is okay because I’m not a doctor, but to be fair to Dr. Norwitz, his experiment produced some intriguing results.


According to the good doctor’s YouTube channel, he ate an incredible 720 eggs in a single month, but his cholesterol readings did not rise as predicted.

He asserted that he had seen the exact reverse, with his LDL cholesterol levels gradually declining in addition to remaining constant. Dr. Norwitz’s LDL cholesterol decreased by 2% in the first two weeks, but it would then decrease by 18% in the next two weeks.

Examining the science underlying the findings, Dr. Norwitz stated that his LDL levels seemed to stabilize when he added more carbohydrates to his diet. He also indicated that dietary consumption affects how the liver regulates the manufacture of cholesterol.

According to the New York Post, he said, “The extra dose of carbohydrates dominated over the insane amounts of cholesterol I was consuming.”

Then, in the last two weeks of his trial, Norwitz ate fruits including strawberries, bananas, and blueberries, which caused the previously reported sharp decline.

Have you ever tried a new diet or taken on an insane food challenge? Tell us in the comments section.

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