“Helping someone who won’t help themselves is impossible.” Although that’s an old proverb, you’ve probably heard it a lot.
Sadly, this is usually true: no matter how hard you try, it’s very hard to help someone or change their life if they’re not totally dedicated to giving themselves the best shot.
Florida native Ryan Bray is quite knowledgeable with that. Reports state that he frequently encounters homeless people begging on the street on his way home from work. When Ryan saw a man one Sunday who was telling a particularly heartbreaking tale, he made the decision to step in as best he could.
Ryan attempted to think larger and more ambitiously rather than just giving the man some spare change, which wouldn’t improve his circumstances in general. In essence, he gave the panhandler a chance to permanently leave the streets by offering him $15 per hour to work for his family’s company.
He was shocked to learn that the beggar in question had no intention of finding a legitimate job at all. He informed Ryan that he was content to sit on the street and beg for more money in an hour than he was receiving from Ryan.
Naturally, at that point, Ryan found it hard to believe. He chose to take action after giving the man the opportunity to change his life only to have the gesture turned against him.
After coming home, Ryan built his own sign and went back to the same spot of the street. There he was, blatantly humiliating the beggar who had grown irate at being shown a way off the streets, while holding his sign.
Ryan’s placard, which explained that he had done everything in his power to assist the homeless guy in question but that his kindness had been met with contempt, cautioned other members of the public not to give money to beggars.
Ryan’s side said, “I offered him $15.00 an hour to do yardwork for me, and he refused.” “They will leave our neighborhood if we, as a community, stop paying them!”
The homeless man called Ryan a liar and said that he had never gotten a job offer, according to reports.
About what happened when Ryan met the homeless man in this story, he said:
“He said, ‘Hey do you have any money?’ and reached into my car to rest his arms. “No, I have one better for you,” I replied.
To learn more about Ryan’s narrative, view the video below: