Numerous kids are deprived of their right to an education as a result of bullying in schools. Unfortunately, schools aren’t always able to stop this kind of violence from happening, and it happens far more frequently than people realize.
Bullying, regrettably, has long-lasting effects that lower the victim’s self-esteem.
William Gierke, 9, wanted to purchase a pink T-shirt with the phrase “Tough Guys Wear Pink” printed on it in order to help raise awareness of breast cancer.
He was excited to wear the T-shirt to school since he felt proud of it, not worrying about what his peers would think of him.
They began calling him derogatory insults like “sissy” as soon as they noticed he was wearing pink.

William returned home in tears, his heart devastated. His mother became enraged upon learning that he was being tormented due to the color of his attire. It seemed wrong to see her son choking on tears. The next day, he didn’t even want to attend to school because he was so hurt.
Fortunately, his teacher was there to set things right because his mother was clueless about how to support him.
Specifically, David Winter, William’s instructor, chose to stand up for William by donning a pink T-shirt after learning about the bullying.
For William, his teacher’s display of support meant the world.

William said, “I feel more at ease, I don’t let it bother me anymore,” following his teacher’s decision to confront the bullies.
More educators like this one are needed in the world. This world is a lot better place as a result of acts like theirs.
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