Beloved Reality TV star dies with beloved dog at his side in horror boating accident

In a boating tragedy, a pilot for the National Geographic program Wicked Tuna lost his life.

Charlie Griffin vanished on Sunday night while out on a boat on North Carolina’s Outer Banks with a buddy.

The Coast Guard reports that on Sunday night around 11 p.m., two boats who left Virginia Beach were running late reaching Wanchese, North Carolina, where their vessel required repairs.

The Virginian-Pilot was informed by a Coast Guard spokesman that they had not been seen or heard from since 6:15 that evening.

On Monday, the empty boat was discovered by Coast Guard personnel and other first responders. The bodies of Griffin and his dog were discovered as they entered.

As of Monday night, authorities were still searching for the second individual who was meant to be traveling with them.

Griffin’s death was verified by a tragic post on his Reels of Fortune Facebook page.

“It is with the deepest sadness that we report that Charlie Griffin and his beloved dog, Leila, have died in a boating accident today,” was written under a picture of Griffin grinning and enjoying the sun.

“Please remember and pray for family and friends.”

In Wicked Tuna Season 2, Griffin began his career as an actor in North Carolina, where he remained until Season 5.

The current National Geographic reality TV program is on seasoned fishermen who earn a living by capturing enormous fish that can fetch tens of thousands of dollars.

The fisherman that performed the best is deemed the champion at the conclusion of the season, earning them lifetime bragging rights.

Griffin triumphed as the fourth season came to a conclusion.

Social media was used by celebrity admirers to express their sorrow and sympathies over the tragic news.

“One of my all-time favorite guys,” a fan commented.

“Grif, rest easy.”

“This is very sad for all show fans,” added another.

“He’ll always be a favorite of mine.”

A tragic photo of Charlie and Leila that some admirers posted online claimed to have taken during a boat voyage with them last summer.

A admirer commented, “Charlie was a great captain—very knowledgable and friendly.”

Leila was a wonderful dog, Lisa. His friends and family are in our prayers and thoughts.

Griffin was “well loved and will be missed by many,” according to NC Watermen United, an organization that promotes commercial fishermen.

“We will always be grateful for the difference he made in our lives,” one organization stated in a statement.

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