For most people, their wedding is one of the most special days in their lives. However, for some people, it can be pretty… casual. This man is getting a lot of opinions for what he decided to wear.
Read on to find out what transpired.
Typically, a wedding is a serious event. The majority of brides and grooms provide detailed instructions about the dress code and what to wear. Nevertheless, the groom himself wore something unexpected to this wedding.
A video of a TikTok creator’s buddy Catherine’s wedding was posted. She wrote about how, only a few months prior, her buddy had vowed she would never fall in love. However, she went on to write that summer, her companion was unquestionably in love.

A still from that photo has made its way into Reddit, where a number of individuals have expressed their opinions—many of them unkind ones. The bride appears in the snapshot wearing a stunning white wedding gown in the mermaid style, accessorized with elaborate jewelry and a traditional veil. In contrast, the groom appears quite laid back with his black t-shirt, trousers, and white sneakers.
Many people were made fun of the couple’s attire choices because of how different they were.
The picture was tagged on Reddit with the phrase “Grooms wearing jeans at a fancy wedding.”

Another individual said, “This is probably indicative of the amount of effort he’ll put into the marriage as well.”
“How long did this marriage last? Another user added, “She looks great, he looks like he couldn’t care.”
Another commenter strongly agreed, saying, “He’s just letting her know she has a life of him not giving a f— about her ahead of her.”

“She looks stunning, and I adore her outfit.” I’m not sure what their situation is, but I want the best for them both,” said one reader.
“I dunno. Another reader said, “Maybe she wanted a dress like this, and [he] wanted the outfit he had on their first dates. Both are happy the other is dressed as they like.” “Well dressed for their own standard, overdressed or underdressed for some standards.”
In agreement, a third commenter wrote, “If they are happy, then who cares? It’s terribly unfortunate if the groom simply couldn’t be a-ed.
Whatever it may be, we hope the married couple is happy in their life together! People can make all sorts of decisions; some that we might not agree with. But as long as they are happy, that’s all that matters!
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